Custom Mobile Column Count

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Divi Toolbox  Mobile Change Mobile Column Count


The Divi Toolbox adds an option to use custom CSS classes to change the number of columns for Tablets and Phones.

How to use it:

Add one (or two) of these classes to Row Settings:

tablet-two-cols – to display two columns on tablets (screen width 479-980px)
tablet-three-cols – to display three columns on tablets
tablet-four-cols – to display four columns on tablets
tablet-five-cols – to display five columns on tablets
tablet-six-cols – to display six columns on tablets
phone-two-cols – to display two columns on phones (screen width below 479px)
phone-three-cols – to display three columns on phones
phone-four-cols – to display four columns on phones

Change Mobile Column Count Custom Columns Mobile Breakpoints

Define the screen width, below which the custom column structure changes from Desktop to Tablet and from Tablet to Phone.

Change Mobile Column Count Use Mixed Column Widths

Enable additional CSS classes for different column widths, eg. one-third and two-thirds:

tablet-2cols-1-2 – two columns, one-third and two-thirds wide, on tablets
tablet-2cols-2-1 – two columns, two-thirds and one-third wide, on tablets
tablet-2cols-1-3 – two columns, one-fourth and three-fourths wide, on tablets
tablet-2cols-3-1 – two columns, three-fourths and one-fourth wide, on tablets
phone-2cols-1-2 – two columns, one-third and two-thirds wide, on phones
phone-2cols-2-1 – two columns, two-thirds and one-third wide, on phones
phone-2cols-1-3 – two columns, one-fourth and three-fourths wide, on phones
phone-2cols-3-1 – two columns, three-fourths and one-fourth wide, on phones

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Did you know?

You can create popups and effects like this one with Toolbox! It's so easy!

Ahhh yes!

You officially know the power of the irresistible 3D Button :D

You can easily design Popups like this one using Toolbox and Divi Builder!

Did you know?

Do you like this landing page? Does it look pretty advanced? Well, guess what! We didn’t use even a tiny bit of custom CSS or JavaScript to build it. All the awesome effects have been created using the Divi Toolbox!


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