Divi Toolbox Changelog

Missing feature?

If there is a feature or option you feel is missing, feel free to get in touch! We’ll do our best to include it in the future Divi Toolbox version!

Maybe you’ve found a plugin setting that is not included in our documentation – please let us know.


Version 1.7.4 (updated 09-01-2024)

  • Fixed a bug in v.1.7.3 causing Back to Top button customizations not working correctly
  • Tested with WP 6.4.2 and Divi 4.23.4

Version 1.7.3

  • Fixed a caching issue happening after 1.7.2 update
  • Tested with WP 6.4.2 and Divi 4.23.1

Version 1.7.2

  • Fixed: Sticky admin toolbar not working in the backend Divi Builder when Classic Editor is enabled
  • Fixed: Mobile menu container margin not working correctly in some cases
  • Fixed: Compatibilty issue with the Divi Responsive Helper plugin preventing any Divi Toolbox settings to save
  • Fixed: “Search” string not correctly translating when search field enabled in custom mobile menu
  • Fixed: Back-to-top button styling missing in the Visual Builder in some cases
  • Fixed: Back-to-top button Customizer link missing in the Toolbox Settings dashboard.
  • Fixed: Compatibility issue with various WP plugins preventing additional hidden Toolbox admin settings from appearing in the dashboard when the parent setting was enabled.
  • Fixed: Compatibility issue between the Toolbox particles and Divi Supreme Plugin pop-ups
  • Fixed: misalignment of the mobile menu container if its position was set to center and the screen width was smaller than menu width
  • API library updated
  • Tested with WP 6.4.2 and Divi 4.23.1

Version 1.7.1

  • Tweak: added an option to disable particles background on mobile devices
  • Tweak: changed the custom post meta icons to Font Awesome icon font
  • Tweak: disabled the automatic Blog & Archives customizations if the Theme Builder Body Template is enabled. The Blog module inside the Theme Builder needs to have the dtb-body CSS class to use Toolbox settings
  • Fixed: nested sub-menu toggle icon color not working correctly
  • Fixed: custom fixed header not visible in some cases
  • Fixed: incorrect alignment for the custom column structure with phone-2cols-3-1 CSS class
  • Fixed: issue with WPML language switcher not visible inside the mobile menu container
  • Fixed: Issue with Google Insights giving a warning about links not being crawlable for nested sub-menus
  • Fixed: z-index issue with Builder Overlays when used inside the Post Content module
  • Fixed: SVG uploads not working correctly in some cases
  • Tested with WP 6.1.1 and Divi 4.20.2

Version 1.7

  • New: Builder Overlay Popups functionality added
  • New: updated and optimized Particles Background settings
  • New: option to make the text styling Toolbar in the Content fields in the Builder stick to the top when scrolling through longer text
  • New: added option to remove all plugin data when uninstalling the plugin
  • New: added an option to upload WOFF and WOFF2 font files directly in the Builder
  • Tweak: custom font upload now include WOFF and WOFF2 uploads
  • Tweak: additional Social Icons added
  • Tweak: search widget customisations now apply to new WP search blocks
  • Tweak: edited max font size value for mobile menu links
  • Tweak: global preloader overlay performance optimised
  • Fixed: styling issues with custom Post Meta in some cases
  • Fixed: differences in Mobile Menu styling between the default Divi navigation and the Menu module
  • Fixed: styling issues with widget areas inside Toolbox mobile menu
  • Fixed: hamburger menu icon not visible with the default mobile menu in some cases
  • Fixed: Social icons displaying text in addition to icon in Mobile Menu
  • Fixed: custom mobile menu breakpoint not working correctly with Slide-in Divi navigation style
  • Fixed: custom fixed header section not visible when used on Custom Post Archive pages
  • Fixed: an issue with Divi mega-menu compatibility with the custom dropdown styling
  • Fixed: missing Cart icon in the navigation if enabled in the custom mobile menu
  • Fixed: console error when nested dropdown sub-menus clicked
  • Fixed: console error in toolbox-scripts.js related to size() property
  • Fixed: removed sourceMap JS warning message
  • Fixed: WP Filesystem-related warning message visible in some cases in error logs
  • Secondary buttons and old Particles Background moved to the Deprecated section
  • API library updated
  • Tested with WP 6.1.1 and Divi 4.19

Version 1.6.14

  • Fixed: Popups compatibility issue with Divi 4.10
  • Fixed: Preloader stuck on page load in Divi 4.10
  • Fixed: Additional social icons not visible in Divi 4.10 (“Dynamic Icons” option needs to stay disabled in the new Performance Divi settings)
  • Fixed: Sub-menu width incorrect in Divi 4.10
  • Fixed: Custom Post Meta links color not working correctly
  • Fized: Follow the mouse effect preview misaligned in the Visual Builder
  • Fixed: Moving Particles background lack of transparency issue
  • Tested with WP 5.8 and Divi 4.10.1

Version 1.6.13

  • Fixed: Disable top tier links option not working correctly inside the mobile menu
  • Fixed: Disable parallax module scrolling not working for images on mobile
  • Tested with WP 5.7.1 and Divi 4.9.4

Version 1.6.12

  • Fixed: JavaScript error related to the UnloadingWebsite function
  • Fized: Logo size incorrect on Mobile when Menu module Logo sizing used
  • Tested with WP 5.7 and Divi 4.9.1

Version 1.6.11

  • New: API code updated with the possibility of enabling automatic WP updates
  • Fixed: Mobile menu visible when using the Back Button in Safari
  • Fixed: Issue with collapsible submenus not working on mobile in some cases
  • Fixed: Removed unwanted API calls if Google Maps API enabled
  • Fixed: Incorrect submenu width on CPT if Theme Builder used
  • Fixed: removed deprecated et_get_one_font_languages function
  • Fixed: Mobile Menu CTA button right/left padding not working when menu links aligned center
  • Tweak: Enable Ajax for the counter in the Mobile Menu Cart Link
  • Tweak: Improved compatibility with the Divi Blog Extras plugin
  • Tested with WP 5.6.2 and Divi 4.9.1

Version 1.6.10

  • Fixed: Divi 4.8 compatibility issue causing the PHP error
  • Fixed: Issue with secondary top menu bar always hidden upon scroll on desktop.
  • Tweak: Improved compatibility with the Divi Blog Extras plugin.
  • Tested with WP 5.6 and Divi 4.8

Version 1.6.9

  • Tweak: Custom Post Meta compatibility with the Post Title module improved
  • Tweak: Blog Grid layout margins corrected
  • Fixed: Mobile Menu animation and Sticky Footer conflict
  • Fixed: Visual Builder blank screen issue in Safari when mobile menu animation enabled
  • Fixed: Mobile Parallax effect causing issues on Mac desktop
  • Fixed: PHP Notice when preloader on homepage enabled
  • Fixed: problem with preloader stuck in VB in some cases
  • Fixed: Mobile menu and collapsible submenus display issues on CPT

Version 1.6.8

  • Fixed: Conflict causing the Footer Reveal effect not working when Before Navigation Layout enabled
  • Fixed: Issue with Custom Fixed Menu logo not displayed correctly on page refresh if page is scrolled down

Version 1.6.7

  • Fixed: Preloader stuck on page load
  • Fixed: Before Navigation Layout not working with latest Divi fixed header and with dtb-fixed-always CSS class
  • Tested with WP 5.6 and Divi 4.7.7

Version 1.6.6

  • Fixed: Issue with Mobile Menu Bar always fixed and Top Bar always hidden
  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with WP 5.6 (Sticky footer, CTA Menu item, misplaced custom layouts)
  • Tested with WP 5.6 and Divi 4.7.5

Version 1.6.5

  • Fixed: Mobile Parallax Background CSS class not working on iPad Pro
  • Fixed: removed unnecessary scrollbar from the custom mobile menu
  • Fixed: Hamburger Icon not changing to a closed version in some cases

Version 1.6.4

  • Fixed: Footer Reveal with Before Footer Layout z-index issue
  • Fixed: Submenu “move links to the right on hover” not working on Menu module
  • Fixed: Read More, Previous & Next Post links not translatable
  • Fixed: PHP notice about incorrect register_rest_route call
  • Fixed: WP cannot redeclare add_unit() error
  • Tested with WP 5.5.3 and Divi 4.6.6

Version 1.6.3

  • Fixed: Custom hamburger icon choice not saving on the setting page
  • Fixed: Preloader settings page not saving the selected image in some cases
  • Fixed: Custom mobile menu visible on blank page template
  • Fixed: Mobile menu with page animation not positioned correctly in some cases when a device orientation change
  • Fixed: Mobile Menu background overlay covering the hamburger icon in some cases preventing the closure of the menu
  • Fixed: mobile columns count on CPT not working correctly
  • Fixed: hidden hamburger menu when there are two menus on a page
  • Fixed: Menu Hover Effect Style 3 (brackets) not displaying correctly when used with the Menu module
  • Fixed: Custom Scrollbar CSS wrapped in an unwanted media query
  • Fixed: various styling issues in the Toolbox Dashboard Page
  • Tested with WP 5.5.3 and Divi 4.6.6

Version 1.6.2

  • New: Separate CTA Button colors for Fixed navigation
  • New: Option to change the slug of projects categories and tags archives
  • Tweak: Option to disable the Particles BG effect on mobile
  • Tweak: Fade In effect added to Popups
  • Tweak: Improved compatibility with the Slide-In and Fullscreen menu format
  • Fixed: CTA Button spacing not displayed correctly in the Divi Builder
  • Fixed: Divi Builder Mobile/Tablet view not visible when mobile menu page animation enabled
  • Fixed: Menu Hover effects not working correctly in some cases when hover over the dropdown menu (build with the TB)
  • Fixed: Mobile menu page animation and Divi Builder issue with incorrect scrolling anchors
  • Fixed: CTA Buttons and Popups not working correctly in some cases
  • API library updated
  • Tested with WP 5.5.1 and Divi 4.6.1

Version 1.6.1

  • Tweak: Footer Reveal option working with the Boxed Layout style
  • Fixed: Mobile Menu background overlay visible even when disabled
  • Fixed: Always Fixed Header option to move the page content below the menu not working on mobile
  • Fixed: Always Fixed Header not displaying correctly in the Theme Builder
  • Fixed: Plugin not loading the latest script file in some cases
  • Fixed: Audio module styling issue
  • Fixed: Animation jump with custom dropdown animation and centered dropdown style
  • Fixed: Sticky custom selector issue when Admin Bar visible
  • Fixed: Custom mobile menu not closing when using anchor links
  • Fixed: Typing Effect not working correctly in some cases
  • Fixed: CSS Compatibility issue between Monarch plugin and Related Posts option
  • Fixed: Equal height Blog elements not displaying correctly on “older entries” pages
  • Tested with WP 5.4.2 and Divi 4.4.8

Version 1.6

  • New: Sticky Elements
  • New: Password Protected Form Customizations
  • New: Option to use a separate Mobile Menu with additional styling options and animations
  • New: Option to add a custom fixed Mobile Menu trigger
  • New: Widget areas in Mobile Menu
  • New: Option to add a website Logo Image inside the mobile menu
  • New: Option to add a Searchbar inside the mobile menu
  • New: Option to add a Shopping Cart Link inside the mobile menu
  • New: Option to Add Social Icons to Mobile Menu
  • New: Custom Hamburger Icon with new animations and option to edit the icon appearance
  • New: Option to automatically move page content below the Fixed header
  • New: Option to change the Projects custom post name, slug and dashboard icon
  • New: Additional styling options for dropdown menus (width, alignment)
  • New: Option to enable TTF and OTF file uploads
  • New: Option to dynamically equalize the modules’ height
  • Tweak: 13 New Preloader animation added
  • Tweak: CTA menu button custom CSS class works with the Secondary menu
  • Tweak: added option to Enable Menu hover styles instead of applying Menu Links Color change by default
  • Tweak: change Related Posts thumbnail size to match the blog image thumbnail
  • Tweak: Login form field styling applies to Lost Password and registration page
  • Tweak: Closing the Popups will automatically stop a video inside the popup
  • Tweak: Additional Custom Columns structures for mobile with option to change the breakpoint
  • Tweak: Added a condition to change the “Read More” blog text to improve compatibility with custom child themes
  • Tweak: Footer links customizations apply to Categories, Archives, and Meta widgets.
  • Fixed: Custom Fixed header CSS position not applied in some cases
  • Fixed: Before Header Layout doesn’t show the design settings on custom post types
  • Fixed: Issue with Mobile Menu scrolling to the top of the page in some cases
  • Fixed: Slide-in Header shadow being visible in some cases
  • Fixed: Dropdown icon on the CTA menu item CSS issue
  • Fixed: Change single post layout affecting product pages
  • Fixed: Footer reveal “disable on mobile” option conflict with Theme Builder footers
  • Fixed: Read More button hover colors in Blog module not working
  • Fixed: Admin dashboard CSS conflict with SEO Zoom plugin
  • Fixed: Blurry Hamburger Icon in the Safari Browser
  • Fixed: Blog Post Title Toolbox styles overwriting the Builder issue
  • Fixed: Disable Comments Title Text modification when Comments Customization disabled
  • Fixed: Hamburger Icon not changing to closed version in some cases
  • Fixed: Comments customizations not working correctly on pages and Comments module
  • Fixed: Slim Signup Form styling issues on mobile
  • Fixed: Monarch plugin displaying in incorrect places or not displaying when certain features enabled
  • Fixed: Custom Post Formats not displaying correctly when Blog customizations enabled
  • Toolbox Dashboard UI improvements, deprecated functions updated
  • Tested with WP 5.4.2 and Divi 4.4.8

Version 1.5.2

  • Tweak: Footer Reveal feature now works with the Theme Builder footers
  • Tweak: Form Border Width and Form Border Color settings added to the Login Page customizer (privacy policy link color fixed)
  • Fixed: Popups not displaying assigned styles when used on custom post type
  • Fixed: Mobile Nested Submenus issue with page scrolling back up
  • Fixed: Parallax module scrolling not working with custom Transform and Position
  • Fixed: Slide-in from the right mobile menu effect not working with the Theme Builder menus
  • Fixed: Custom blog layouts not applied when Blog Customisations disabled
  • Fixed: Dropdown menu link hover color not working with the Theme Builder menus
  • Fixed: Category icon missing in custom Post Meta
  • Tested with WP 5.3.2 and Divi 4.2.2

Version 1.5.1

  • New: Option to set fixed (and always visible) header section
  • Tweak: Comments customizations need a CSS class of dtb-comments if applied to Comments module
  • Tweak: Preloader feature working on the Blank Page templates
  • Tweak: Alt text support for custom preloader image added
  • Fixed: Related Posts, Author Box and Next/Prev links not visible when Theme Builder Body template enabled
  • Fixed: Multiple custom layouts (before footer and popups) showing when TB footer enabled
  • Fixed: JS error with Centered Inline menu style
  • Fixed: Compatibility issue with jQuery 3.0
  • Fixed: Vertical scrollbars appearing when “Hide horizontal scrollbars” enabled
  • Fixed: Custom column mobile count CSS bug and CSS spelling issue
  • Tested with WP 5.3.2 and Divi 4.0.9

Version 1.5

  • New: 3 additional blog layouts
  • New: Custom gradient overlay over the featured image on the Blog lists with additional blend modes added
  • New: Option to keep the blog post content box equal height on the blog lists (both index pages and Blog module)
  • New: Option to keep the featured image equal height on the blog lists
  • New: Option to apply custom Blog List Layouts to Divi Blog module
  • New: Option to apply Blog List customizations to Divi Blog module
  • New: Option to apply custom Post Meta to Divi Blog module
  • New: Option to apply custom Sidebar styles to the Divi Sidebar module
  • New: Option to add Call to Action button to the Divi Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules
  • New: Option to apply overlapping logo effect to the Divi Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules
  • New: Option to apply custom hover menu effects to the Divi Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules
  • New: Option to apply custom dropdown menu customizations to the Divi Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules
  • New: Option to apply custom mobile menu styles to the Divi Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules
  • New: Option to use the Collapse Nested Sub Menus effect in the mobile menu of the Divi Menu and Fullwidth Menu modules
  • New: Option to keep the custom hover efect on menu items with dropdowns
  • New: Menu hover effects new settings: underline offset and width
  • Tweak: The “Sticky Footer” option now applies to custom Theme Builder Footer templates.
  • Tweak: Rellax.js library updated, new scroll speeds for parallax module scrolling feature added. New option to keep the parallax elements in the center of the viewport
  • Tweak: Added a “deprecated” section on the plugin page, where it’s possible to access the no longer needed options, such as custom After Navigation layouts, 404 page
  • Tweak: Some plugin settings renamed and rearranged to reflect new possibilities for Blog and Menu modules
  • Fixed: Popups not displaying content when Theme builder footer enabled
  • Fixed: Divi template hooks updated to keep the custom plugin layouts compatible with the Theme Builder custom Footers
  • Fixed: Issue with the dropdown triangle not visible on unassigned navigation
  • Fixed: Custom mobile column count margin bug
  • Tested with WP 5.3 and Divi 4.0.6

Version 1.4.2

  • New: Option to keep the parallax background effect on mobile
  • Tweak: The custom CSS classes for different column count on mobile now use different margins between columns depending on the Row Gutter Size setting.
  • Tweak: When Comments Form customizations enabled – button styles apply not only to the “Submit” button, but to the “Reply” button as well
  • Fixed: JS conflict with the Divi Extras plugin
  • Fixed: issue with images not displaying on index pages when Custom Post Meta and the ShortPixel plugin enabled
  • Fixed: issue when sometimes the Author Box info appeared twice on the Single Post page
  • Fixed: conflict with the Portfolio Posts PRO plugin (the Portfolio Posts module no longer gets hidden if the setting to hide Projects is enabled in Toolbox)
Fixed: CSS issue with custom modules (eg. Social follow module) in the footer area displaying the links incorrectly when Widget Customizations enabled in Toolbox
  • Fixed: CSS issue with the Slim Email Option module
  • API code updated
  • Tested with WP 5.2.3 and Divi 3.29.3

Version 1.4.1

  • Tweak: The “Sticky Footer” option now applies to Before and After Footer Layouts in addition to standard Divi footer.
  • Fixed: The “After Navigation – Header Layouts” not displaying properly when both global layout and homepage layout selected
  • Fixed: Minor CSS issues with the Customizer Settings not displaying properly
  • Fixed: Back to top button remaining visible on Safari browser
  • Fixed: Tickera plugin conflict (HTML and CSS minification issue)
  • Fixed: Gravity Forms plugin CSS conflict (hidden settings description in the plugin dashboard)
  • Fixed: Removed the login_headertitle function (depracated in WP 5.2) from the Login Page Customizer
  • Tested with WP 5.2.1 and Divi 3.23.3

Version 1.4

  • New: Option to display any Divi Library Layout as a shortcode
  • New: Option to change the login page image URL
  • Tweak: Keep the hover effect active on the parent of a current menu item
  • Tweak: Alt attributes added to the related posts thumbnails
  • Tweak: Change text transformation with small-caps to “none”
  • Fixed: Removed unnecessary error log
  • Tested with WP 5.1.1 and Divi 3.22.4

Version 1.3

  • New: Typing effect
  • New: Custom Divi Builder layouts before and after single post content
  • New: Option to set the heading level for the Related Posts section
  • New: Option to keep the Primary Menu hover effect on active menu link
  • New: CSS classes to control column count on mobile
  • New: CSS classes to add hyphens or prevent words from wrapping to a new line on mobile
  • New: Overlapping Logo Box Background Color when Fixed
  • New: Option to disable CTA Menu button hover effect on mobile
  • New: Added small-caps font variant to text transformation options
  • New: Custom browser theme color for mobile
  • New: Option to equalize the featured image and post content box on archive pages
  • Tweak: 3d Tilt effect working on a separate Portfolio, Blog and Gallery items instead of the entire module
  • Fixed: Popups triggered by custom CSS class
  • Fixed: Sticky footer rendered incorrectly in Safari browser
  • Fixed: Post Meta displaying incorrectly when using custom Excerpt
  • Fixed: Post Meta text-transformation property
  • Fixed: Archives header font-size property
  • Fixed: Archives image overlay displaying incorrectly after setting change
  • Fixed: Archives post content box shadow property
  • Fixed: “After Navigation” layout not displaying properly on Author archives and when WooCommerce active
  • Fixed: One of the preloader images displaying off-center
  • Fixed: WooCommerce mobile menu icon alignment
  • Fixed: Divi Overlays conflict with additional content on single post
  • Tested with WP 5.1.1 and Divi 3.22.1

Version 1.2.3

  • New: Option to upload custom map marker image
  • New: Use the “Grab the first post image” Divi option for the Related Posts if enabled
  • Fixed: Cached CSS issue transferring styles between sites on Multisite Environment
  • Fixed: Custom preloader “Only on Homepage” setting
  • Fixed: Gravity Forms cURL error when Toolbox enabled
  • Fixed: Problem with editing PHP files via default WP files editor
  • Fixed: Toolbox JS loading twice in the Visual Builder
  • Tested with WP 5.0.3 and Divi 3.19.9

Version 1.2.2

  • New: Option to use custom image as a Preloader
  • Fixed: Custom hover effect for Buttons
  • Fixed: Custom login page styles not visible on frontend
  • Fixed: Secondary Nav letter spacing
  • Tested with WP 5.0.3 and Divi 3.19.5

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed: 500 Internal Server Error when activated on the site with child theme.
  • Tested with WP 5.0.3 and Divi 3.19.4

Version 1.2

  • New: Import & Export feature added
  • New: Previous and Next posts text input fields added
  • New: separate layouts After Navigation on Blog index page and on the Homepage
  • New: Placeholder sections added for “injected” layouts with layout name in Visual Builder.
  • Changed the CTA menu button padding option to horizontal and vertical padding
  • Plugin is now fully translation-ready
  • Fixed: issue with editing incorrect posts content in Visual Builder when the Related Posts feature was enabled and incorrect comments being displayed
  • Fixed: Sticky Footer in Safari was’t covered by the page content
  • Fixed: PHP error when previewing theme different than Divi
  • Fixed: Issue with overlaying logo effect on fixed header in Safari
  • Fixed: Visual Builder not loading with Page Preloader enabled
  • Fixed: SVG support restored
  • Tested with WP 5.0.2 and Divi 3.19.4

Version 1.1

  • New: Static CSS file generation & option to clear CSS cached file on the new plugin settings page (link to the settings page added in the footer)
  • Performace improved; removed the unnecessary Ajax call for the CSS
  • Fixed: Footer Reveal not working on mobile devices
  • Fixed: SVG preloader animation freezing on page load
  • Fixed: Plugin deactivated upon the update due to a folder name change

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed: Social Icons not visible in the Secondary Menu

Version 1.0.1

  • Tested with the latest Divi Theme version (3.17.2)
  • Added links to documentation page and support system in plugin Setting Page
  • Added option to disable the Footer Reveal effect on mobile
  • Fixed: Footer Reveal not working with Sticky Footer feature
  • Fixed: Releated Posts feature causing random blog posts content displaying on single post page
  • Related Posts feature now works only on default “Post” post type
  • Fixed: Skype icon showing when link field is empty
  • Fixed: mobile menu gets hidden when the parent menu item is clicked (when the top tier menu links are disabled in Divi settings)
  • Fixed: CTA menu link not displaying the custom popup from mobile menu
  • Fixed: Submenu links colors on fixed navigation

Version 1.0

  • Initial launch of the plugin.

Hi there!

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please fill the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Did you know?

You can create popups and effects like this one with Toolbox! It's so easy!

Ahhh yes!

You officially know the power of the irresistible 3D Button :D

You can easily design Popups like this one using Toolbox and Divi Builder!

Did you know?

Do you like this landing page? Does it look pretty advanced? Well, guess what! We didn’t use even a tiny bit of custom CSS or JavaScript to build it. All the awesome effects have been created using the Divi Toolbox!


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