Toolbox Customizer ➜ Modules ➜ Buttons
The following options are enabled by default in the Toolbox Customizer:
- Button font weight
- Button hover style (Default, Grow, Shrink, Move Up, Move Down, Wobble, Heartbeat, Jello, Pulse)
Divi Toolbox ➜ Deprecated ➜ Secondary Buttons
You can choose to use the additional global button style by enabling the Secondary Buttons feature. You can define your own CSS class that you’ll use for this button style. Once enabled, this feature adds a set of customization options which will be visible in the Toolbox Customizer:
- Button font family
- Button font size
- Button letter spacing
- Button text transform (none, uppercase, lowercase, capitalize)
- Button font color
- Button background color
- Button border radius
- Button border width
- Add button icon (Yes / No)
- Select icon
- Icon color
- Icon placement (Right / Left)
- Only show icon on hover (enabled / disabled)
- Button hover style (Default, Grow, Shrink, Move Up, Move Down, Wobble, Heartbeat, Jello, Pulse)
- Button font hover color
- Button background hover color
- Button icon hover color
- Button hover border radius
- Button hover letter spacing