Social Icon Settings

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Divi Toolbox  Global ➜ Social Icons

When it comes to social icons, Divi allows you to add the following social icons by default: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and G+. The Divi Toolbox gives you more options:

Enable Custom Social Icon Style

Once this feature is enabled, three new customization panels are added to the Toolbox Customizer.  Here’s the list of all customization options for each panel:

Toolbox Customizer  Header Header Social Icons

  • Move icons to the primary menu: Enable/disable this feature to remove social icons from the top bar (secondary menu) and to add icons on the right side of the main navigation
  • Social Icon font size
  • Social icon color
  • Social icon color on hover
  • Social icon hover effect (None, Grow, Shrink, Move Up, Move Down, Wobble, Heartbeat, Jello, Pulse)

Toolbox Customizer  Footer Footer Social Icons

  • Footer Icons Container spacing
  • Footer Icons Font Size
  • Social icon color
  • Social icon background color
  • Social icon border radius
  • Social icon border width
  • Social Icons border color
  • Social icon padding
  • Social icon spacing (space between separate icons)
  • Social icon hover color
  • Social icon hover background color
  • Social icon hover border color
  • Social icon hover effect (None, Grow, Shrink, Move Up, Move Down, Wobble, Heartbeat, Jello, Pulse)

Toolbox Customizer  Mobile Footer Social Icons

  • Add Icons to the default mobile menu
  • Icons Alignemt (left, centered, right)
  • Spacing between icons
  • Container Margin
  • Icons font size
  • Icons color
  • Icons Background Color
  • Icons Border Radius
  • Icons Border Width
  • Icons Border Color
  • Icons Height
  • Icons Width
  • Icons Hover Color
  • Icons Background Hover Color
  • Icons Border Hover Color

Open Social Links in a New Tab

Enable this option if you’d like to open each of the Divi social links in a new browser window (please note that this setting doesn’t work in the customizer preview). Please note that the new “Dynamic Icons” option needs to be disabled in the Divi Theme Options -> General -> Performance tab.

Add More Social Icons

Enable this option to see the list of all available social media. Enter your profile URL in order to show the additional icons along with the default Divi social icons in the header and / or footer. The following social media icons are available:

  • Instagram (deprecated)
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • Flickr
  • Dribbble
  • Vimeo
  • Skype
  • amazon
  • Bitbucket
  • Behance
  • Etsy
  • Foursquare
  • Github
  • iTunes
  • Patreon
  • Reddit
  • Slack
  • Strava
  • Snapchat
  • Soundcloud
  • Spotify
  • Telegram
  • Tripadvisor
  • Tiktok
  • Twitch
  • Whatsapp
  • Yelp
  • Codepen
  • Facebook Messanger

Please note: the option to choose a link and enable the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter icons is availbale in the Divi Theme Options -> General tab.

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If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please fill the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Did you know?

You can create popups and effects like this one with Toolbox! It's so easy!

Ahhh yes!

You officially know the power of the irresistible 3D Button :D

You can easily design Popups like this one using Toolbox and Divi Builder!

Did you know?

Do you like this landing page? Does it look pretty advanced? Well, guess what! We didn’t use even a tiny bit of custom CSS or JavaScript to build it. All the awesome effects have been created using the Divi Toolbox!


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