Back to Top Button

Missing feature?

If there is a feature or option you feel is missing, feel free to get in touch! We’ll do our best to include it in the future Divi Toolbox version!

Maybe you’ve found a plugin setting that is not included in our documentation – please let us know.


Divi Toolbox  Footer  Back to Top Button

You can enable the Back to Top Button Customization to add a new customization panel in the Toolbox Customizer and have the possibility to edit the default “Back to top” link appearance. If you choose to Use Custom Button Link, you’ll have the option to enter a custom button URL (you can use it to redirect a visitor to the contact page, for example).

Toolbox Customizer  Footer  Back to Top Button

You can easily change the button’s appearance by editing the following options:

  • Button Style (default: Icon or Button with Text)


  • Define the text (default: TOP)
  • Button font family
  • Button font weight
  • Button text size
  • Button letter spacing
  • Button text transform


  • Select icon*
  • Icon size

* Please note that the “Dynamic Icons” setting needs to be disabled in Divi Theme Options -> General -> Performance tab if you choose a custom icon.


  • Distance from the right side
  • Distance from the bottom
  • Button padding
  • Button background color
  • Add button shadow
  • Shadow color, offset-x, offset-y, blur


  • Change button border (if you leave it unchecked, the button will have 5px border radius on the left side and 0px border radius on the right side)
  • Button border radius (same for each side)
  • Button border width
  • Button border color


  • Button background hover color
  • Button text / icon hover color
  • Button border hover color
  • Button hover effect (Grow, Shrink, Move Up, Move Down)

Hi there!

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please fill the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Did you know?

You can create popups and effects like this one with Toolbox! It's so easy!

Ahhh yes!

You officially know the power of the irresistible 3D Button :D

You can easily design Popups like this one using Toolbox and Divi Builder!

Did you know?

Do you like this landing page? Does it look pretty advanced? Well, guess what! We didn’t use even a tiny bit of custom CSS or JavaScript to build it. All the awesome effects have been created using the Divi Toolbox!


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