Toolbox Customizer ➜ Global ➜ Login Page
When you enable the Login Page Customization option on the Toolbox settings page, a new set of customizer options will appear in the Global section of the Theme Customizer, which will allow you to edit the default WP login page.
You can also change the URL of the logo image link (the default is website). You can choose to link to homepgae or use a custom URL.
The following set of customization options is included:
- logo image
- logo width
- logo height
- logo bottom padding (space between the logo and the form)
- page background color
- page background image
- form background color
- form width
- form height
- form padding
- form border radius
- form box shadow (offset-x, offset-y, blur, and color)
- field background color
- field font color
- field border radius
- field border width
- field border color
- field border color on focus
- label font size
- label letter spacing
- label text transform (none, lowercase, uppercase, capitalize)
- button font size
- button letter spacing
- button text transform
- button font color
- button background color
- button border radius
- button border width
- button border color
- button font color on hover
- button background color on hover
- button border color on hover
- text link color
- text link color on hover